The Games and Toys Directory

The Games and Toys Directory

Premium Business Listing - From $25.00 to $100 per year


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Premium Listings

Premium Listings ensure your site will be at the top of the listings in your category. You may also enter your company's full address information, along with your slogan and company logo. The price varies from $25.00 to $100, depending on the length of time until expiration.

You will need to complete this submission via PayPal after you complete your submission.

If you selected 'Premium Listing' by mistake, you may select a Regular Listing by Clicking Here

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You are about to enter your business into our Premium directory. We thank you for helping to support this directory. Give your business a premium listing to be the top listing in your category, and have your company logo alongside your listing.

The last payment option is to have your site listed as a 'Premium Listing' on all 23 of our Directory websites. For information, visit this page. Each listing, in all 23 Directories, will expire 365 days from now.

The Games and Toys Directory : Add a Premium Listing
You have chosen to add your URL in the following category:
Other Interesting Websites/Health/
Email Address:
Business Name:
Max 255 Characters
Extra Information:
Max 255 Characters
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As a premium listing, you are entitled to upload your company's Logo image, if you wish
Site URL:
If your listing is for a mobile app, please check the appropriate box below.
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Please choose an option:

(365 days) $100.00
(300 days) $75.00
(230 days) $50.00
(160 days) $35.00
(90 days) $25.00
(365 days) $250.00
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Games and Toys Directory - Blog

Antiques and Collectibles - Board Games - Collecting - Dice Games - Kites - Other Interesting Websites - Party Games - Puzzles - Recreation - Role Playing - Tile Games - Toys and Games - Video Games

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